Google Chrome is notifying users of the ad blocking tool uBlock Origin that it might stop working as the browser moves to the Manifest V3 (MV3) platform. Raymond Hill, the developer of uBlock Origin clarified that this alert is due, to Google phasing out support for the Manifest V2 (MV2) extensions platform.
Since uBlock Origin is currently using MV2 Google Chrome is recommending ad blocking tools to users who have updated to the version of the browser. The notification message shows up on the chrome;//extensions page. A “Find alternative” link guides users to a Chrome Web Store page where they can explore MV3 ad blockers like, uBO Lite, Adblock Plus Stands AdBlocker and Ghostery.
The Future of uBlock Origin on Chrome
While the alert is currently shown for all MV2 extensions Google intends to phase out these extensions in the months. Users will temporarily have the choice to reactivate their MV2 extensions. This option will eventually be removed as the shift, to MV3 advances.
Businesses that utilize the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy will not be affected by these modifications until June 2025 when the enterprise rollout for Chrome MV2 deprecation commences. As Google Chrome progresses towards finalizing the transition, to the MV3 standard by 2025 uBlock Origin users might need to explore ad blocking solutions or consider switching to browsers that still support MV2 extensions.