Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg recently shared on his WhatsApp channel that the messaging app has achieved a milestone of 100 million active users, in the United States as of July 25th. This significant accomplishment underscores the increasing popularity of WhatsApp in the US market where it has been steadily gaining momentum.
WhatsApp reports that its expanding markets in the country include major cities like Los Angeles, New York, Miami and Seattle. Additionally the company highlights growth in states with Texas alone having, over 10 million users.
WhatsApp’s Growth and Competition
Since Meta acquired WhatsApp for $16 billion, in 2014 the company has been putting in a lot of effort to make the app more popular in the United States, where it competes fiercely with rivals like Apples iMessage. Despite being the messaging app with over 2 billion users across 180 countries WhatsApp still has room to grow in the US market.
Metas main strategy to boost WhatsApps presence in the US includes showcasing its ability to work smoothly across both Android devices. This feature ensures that messages sent between iPhones and Android phones maintain their quality, encryption and length without any issues unlike when using iMessage for SMS. However Apples upcoming support for Rich Communication Services (RCS) in iOS 18 this fall could pose challenges, for WhatsApp in attracting iPhone users who may no longer need to switch apps for cross platform communication.