Qualcomm is set to announce a new budget 5G chipset at the upcoming ‘Snapdragon for India’ event, and details of the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 have leaked ahead of the official unveiling. This new chip offers reduced power consumption and a lower price compared to the years Snapdragon 4 Gen 2, with the goal of expanding 5G features, to a variety of devices.
The Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 is built on a 4nm process and features an octa-core CPU with two Cortex-A78 cores and six A55 cores. The clock speeds have been lowered by 200MHz in the s model. It seems that the GPU has also been downgraded. Additionally the chip is compatible, with 2,133MHz LPDDR4X RAM while the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 can handle LPDDR5X memory running at 3,200MHz.
Scaled-Back Features for Affordable 5G
Display support on the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 has been reduced to a 90Hz refresh rate at FHD+ resolution, catering to cheaper phones that will likely opt for either HD+ displays at 120Hz or FHD+ at 90Hz. Manufacturers are now opting for 50MP or 64MP cameras as the dual ISP no longer accommodates 108MP image sensors.
While the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 is an affordable 5G chipset, its 5G capabilities have been scaled back compared to the 4 Gen 2, with downlink speeds limited to 1Gbps, down from 2.5Gbps. The local connectivity is somewhat restricted as it only supports the Wi Fi 5 (ac) and Bluetooth 5.1 standards. However the chip includes features, like the Qualcomm Audio and Voice Communication suite, multi frame noise reduction, EIS for the camera and dual frequency reception, for positioning.