In a surprising move, Meta has decided to cancel the development of a high-end mixed reality headset that was intended to rival Apple’s Vision Pro. Following a product evaluation session, with Metas CEO Mark Zuckerberg the decision was made that the scheduled debut of the device in 2027 was no longer viable. The premium mixed reality headset was supposed to showcase cutting edge micro OLED displays akin, to those found in the Apple Vision Pro.
The main challenge Meta faced was the high cost of the micro OLED displays, which made it impossible to achieve the targeted sub-$1,000 price point for the high-end mixed reality headset. The company plans to pivot towards working on the Quest 4 the model following the release of Quest 3 set to launch in 2026. It is anticipated that the Quest 4 will stick to the $500 price tag of its forerunner.
Meta’s New Direction: Software and Partnerships
While the cancellation of the high-end mixed reality headset may seem like a setback, Meta is pivoting its strategy to prioritize software development and partnerships. Earlier, in the year the company unveiled the Horizon OS platform with the goal of working with hardware manufacturers to enhance the mixed reality experience ecosystem.
The decision to cancel the high-end headset also comes amidst Apple’s struggles with the Vision Pro. Even though there was a lot of buzz at first people seem interested, in Apples mixed reality product as time goes on. This has led to fewer customers coming to Apple stores for demos. Because of this Apple has decided to lower their Vision Pro shipment forecasts. Is now working on creating a budget friendly version with fewer bells and whistles. Metas change, in direction shows how the mixed reality market is evolving with companies adjusting to what consumers want and the limitations of technology.