Civilization VII, the anticipated sequel, in the empire building series is scheduled for release on February 11 2025. The announcement was made by Firaxis Games at Gamescom 2024 unveiling gameplay changes that signal a chapter for the franchise. Fans who have eagerly awaited this sequel since Civilization VIs launch in 2016 are in for a surprise.
A significant change is the games release across platforms. Civilization VII will be accessible from day one on PC, Mac, PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 Xbox and Nintendo Switch. This strategy aims to provide console players with a gaming experience and address concerns, with cumbersome ports. Enthusiasts of Civilization can anticipate building their empires on their favored gaming platform.
Fresh Features Redefine the Civ Formula
The livestream, from Gamescom showcased some gameplay features in Civilization VII. In this installment players have the opportunity to lead civilizations during each historical age, a departure from the previous games where one leader was followed throughout history. This innovative approach allows for evolution as you steer your empire through the ages from times to the modern era.
Your decisions in each era will be influenced by context and the achievements of your civilizations. A full game covers three periods. The Antiquity Age, Exploration Age and Modern Age. While shorter single age scenarios are also available, for gaming sessions. Civilization VII offers flexibility by allowing players to mix and match leaders and locations creating histories.