In a twist of events recently in Brazil on Friday evening announced the ban of the social network X (formerly known as Twitter). This decision follows a string of conflicts between Elon Musk. The owner of X and the Brazilian Supreme Court officials. The courts action includes a request for Apple to take down Xs app, from the Brazilian App Store; however this action is yet to be implemented.
The dispute started when Musk closed down Xs Brazil office and let go of all the staff as a response to Xs objection to requests from the Brazilian Supreme Court to remove specific profiles deemed detrimental for sharing misinformation during an election year in the nation. However Brazilian regulations require social media platforms operating in the country to have a legal representative, for administrative matters.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
Musk did not follow the courts orders and did not assign a legal representative for X in Brazil; as a result of this action the platform has been banned throughout the country. The court has instructed all internet service providers to block access to X, in Brazil and directed both Apple and Google to remove the X app from their app stores.
Despite the prohibition in place by the authorities in Brazil regarding the X app on Apples App Store users are still able to access it with a VPN connection without any hindrance. Apples response to the courts directive remains unknown at this time; however there is a fine of $ 9000 for non compliance. Amidst this scenario speculations are circulating that Musk is engaging in discussions, with the local government to reintroduce X in the nation.Many people in Brazil have recently felt inspired to sign up for accounts on social media platforms like Mastodon and Bluesky in addition, to Threads.